36 min listen

Your monthly report card with Dr Lara Briden

Published on
August 5, 2024
Matilda Green
TV Personality & Co-Host of Untidy podcast
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Your monthly report card with Dr Lara Briden

In this episode, we speak to Dr Lara Briden @larabriden, author of ‘Period Repair Manual’ and ‘Hormone Repair Manual’. Dr Briden is a Naturopathic Doctor and Women’s hormone specialist.

We wanted to figure out what we can do to achieve a happy, healthy hormone cycle, what a ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal’ menstrual cycle might look like, what’s the deal with PMS rage and emotions, how we can manage our supplementation, why we should dig on liver again, and how our cycle acts as our monthly report card for our overall health and wellbeing. This one’s a women’s health must-listen!

About Untidy

New Zealand’s award-winning parenting podcast, Untidy honours the person within the parent. Hosts, Matilda Green and Hannah Davison, dive into the undergrowth of sex and relationships, mental health, healing, body issues, identity questions, and more with a range of guests. Connect, laugh, learn, and keep moving forward.