3 min read

Q&A: The game-changing procedure to help my heavy periods

Published on
August 9, 2024
Rochelle Moffitt
Marketer & Personal Branding
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Q:A with Rochelle Moffitt on Endometrial Ablation procedure for heavy periods 

We sit down and chat about the transformational procedure, endometrial ablation. Rochelle Moffitt from agency Tickled Pink had the game changing procedure to help her with heavy periods. 

Is there a specific topic relating to Women’s Health that resonates with you? Why?

Periods. I believe it’s important to talk openly about periods and not be embarrassed by them—it’s a natural part of life. While I have not experienced extremely painful periods, I have had very heavy periods for the majority of my life. This has required me to be super organised, such as waking up at night to prevent leaks through my bedding and having to step out of meetings unexpectedly.

You had a procedure last year, can you share more about what led to this?

I hadn't heard about Endometrial Ablation until a friend of mine underwent the procedure. This procedure significantly reduces or even stops your periods. Since I was not planning on having more children, it was a suitable option for me. My insurance company actually covered it. I had to go under general anaesthesia but it was just a day surgery. They essentially burned the lining of my uterus, so that the lining doesn't build each month. My recovery was good, just one day of rest and then a gentle week to follow. 

I decided to have it because my heavy periods were causing significant disruptions in my life. I had to wake up in the middle of the night for 2-3 nights during my period each month to ensure I didn’t bleed through onto the sheets, even with using tampons and period underwear.

You describe it as a game-changer - how has this affected you and your life?

It has indeed been a game-changer. Not having to think about my period, scheduling tampon changes around my life, work, and meetings, and not worrying about leaking at inopportune times has been incredibly liberating. I no longer get caught short or have to worry about such issues, which is simply awesome.

How has your journey or approach to your own health (physical, mental, hormonal, emotional, spiritual) changed over the last 10 years?

I love being fit, exercising, and living a fun life. Over the years, I've had my ups and downs, but ensuring I put my health first and taking time for myself has allowed me to show up for my family and friends. After my second divorce, I started trying new things, which has brought me so much joy. I am now a marriage celebrant, a beginner skier, a half-marathon runner, have my PADI diver’s licence, and I’m learning golf. 

I am a great believer in a Ta-Da list (a more uplifting name for a bucket list), and I get so much joy out of doing things I never thought I would and prioritising things for myself.

What is something you do on a daily basis that contributes positively to your own health?

Hugs and music. As author and family therapist Virginia Satir once said,

“We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”

I’m all about hugs and giving good ones.

Music has always been a significant part of my life. My mother was a ballerina and is still a ballet teacher who owned her own dance school. I grew up dancing and surrounded by music. I love how music can boost energy and make you feel connected. Dancing to music can help you get through most things.

I am also a big believer in positive talk. I don’t have time for negativity or BS. I speak well to myself and to others because I believe that you are what you think. There is immense power in having a positive mental attitude.

What are you prioritising in the next 10 years to support a long and healthy lifestyle?

I am prioritising making time for myself and the things that bring me joy. Surrounding myself with great people and giving what I can to my friends, family, and clients is essential. I will continue to carve out time for my physical and mental well-being and try new things—essentially, living life to the fullest. 

About Rochelle Moffitt

As an award-winning marketer, she specialises in strategic personal branding, compelling story-driven marketing, and effective relationship management, championing people in business and helping them courageously up their game and amplify their visibility to achieve unparalleled success.