Mental health
38 min listen

Pretty Frozen - Responding to the Freeze Response

Published on
August 11, 2024
Kimberley Crossman
Actress and comedian
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Pretty Frozen - Responding to the Freeze Response

There are typically three common responses to stress - freeze, fight or flight. We frequently freeze upon the first sign of anxiety. It’s that moment when everything feels too heavy to move forward, and the world seems to press in from all sides.

That freeze response allows us to focus our attention entirely on the source of the danger so that we can better assess how to handle it.

Signs of the freeze response:

  • Feeling stuck or unable to move.
  • Rapid heartbeat and shallow breathing.
  • Feeling detached from the environment or situation.
  • Difficulty speaking or reacting.

In this fascinating podcast Kimberley Crossman talks to hypnotherapist Bec about how we can practically de-thaw if we are experiencing an overwhelm and disassociation.

It is not just a discussion but a practical resource designed to help those feeling stuck. She offers insights and actionable steps to "thaw out" from the freeze, reclaiming agency over our emotions and finding pathways to a more positive and hopeful outlook.

About Pretty Depressed
Kimberley Crossman is an actress and comedian and shares her insights and humour in her podcast Pretty Depressed. It is a fun and unfiltered interview series where she chats with interesting people about life, work and most importantly - finding balance!