Mental health
4 min read

My body image struggle & the impact it’s had on my hormones

Published on
August 14, 2024
Esther Cronin
Fitness instructor and founder of The Reset programme
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My body image struggle & the impact it’s had on my hormones

In this Q&A with Esther Cronin, she shares her struggles with body image in the modelling industry and how she's learned to reset – and is now helping others to do the same.

Is there a specific topic relating to Women’s Health that resonates with you? Why? 

I’m just really passionate about helping women discover ways to prioritise themselves. We all know how overwhelming it can be - dealing with body image, maintaining a healthy gut or understanding our hormones. It’s a lot! I developed some really unhealthy habits in my teens and early twenties while struggling with my own body image. That’s why I’m just so excited to be on a mission to help others find balance and become the most confident version of themselves.

What’s your personal story when it comes to struggling with body, mind and nutrition? 

Thanks to my parents I was fortunate to learn a lot about health, body and nutrition growing up. But then at 15 I started modelling and while it was an incredible opportunity and life experience, it also came with its fair share of challenges. I was quickly sent overseas, where the expectation in those highly competitive international markets was to be extremely thin.

Things have of course changed now, but back then at 5’9” I was considered "short," which meant I needed to have even smaller hip and waist measurements to compensate for my height. Being toned and curvy was not in Vogue at the time, and photographers, stylists, art directors, and agents would constantly comment on my figure. I became so detached from my body because I had to pretend they weren’t talking about me.

An agent once told me to stop running up hills because it was making my butt too big. They gave me diet pills and warned that a single bite of a burger could ruin my career. I lived this way until I was 23. By then my mental health was on the edge, I had only experienced four or five very light periods in my life, and my skin began breaking out in cystic acne. I was at breaking point and knew there had to be a better way. That realisation drove me to find a healthier path and that's what led to the work I’m so passionate about today.

How has your journey or approach to your own health changed over the last 10 years?

I used to exercise to get smaller but now I move to get stronger. I used to constantly think about how to avoid calories, now I focus on what I can add to nourish my body and fuel it with amazing nutrients for an inner and outer glow.

After years of overexercising and doing high-intensity cardio to burn fat, my cortisol levels were constantly spiked, wreaking havoc on my hormones. This left me feeling puffy and in turn really contributed to my anxiety. I only realised that my exercise routine was the culprit when I started incorporating more nourishing movement, like Yoga and Pilates, into my life. 

This of course has become even more important as I focus on my fertility and prepare for pregnancy. What I've discovered about Pilates and lower-intensity movement is that it's incredibly effective and transformative for my body. I wish I had known this when I was seventeen, instead of punishing myself for years and causing damage I'm still working to repair.

Now, I can "RESET" and feel amazing in just a few days through Pilates and nourishing foods. The ability to do this has given me so much confidence in myself.

What is something you do on a daily basis that contributes positively to your own health? 

Meditate. I notice a difference when I don’t. It helps calm my racing mind and sets me up to move through the day with clarity and ease.

What are you prioritising in the next 10 years to support a long and healthy lifestyle?

Gut health is both the root cause and the solution to so many of the issues we face as Kiwi women. It influences our hormones, skin, mood, immune system, ageing process and so much more. My focus is on building biodiversity in my system and creating a strong, healthy foundation for my future—and for my future babies.

About Esther

Esther is a certified Yoga and Pilates instructor and the founder of The Reset, a 10-day health, wellness and lifestyle platform launching this week in celebration of Women’s Health Week. She is also the co-founder of WellBeings, a #1 podcast that has since grown into a national radio show, as well as her own RESET podcast. After a career in modelling ignited her personal journey with health and well-being, Esther is now on a mission to help women feel more comfortable in their skin and embrace a mindful, accessible and attainable way of life.