3 min read

Highlights from Tend's Patient Survey

Published on
August 9, 2024
Tend Health
One of Aotearoa's leading primary healthcare providers
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Women's Health Matters: Highlights from Tend's Patient Survey 

The need for greater awareness and support

In June 2024, Tend Health conducted a survey aimed at understanding the women's health landscape in Aotearoa. The survey was sent to all Tend patients who identify as female and are over the age of 18. With a remarkable 4,323 respondents, the survey provided invaluable insights into various aspects of women's health, including period health, menopause, body image, comfort in discussing health issues, and obstacles to health screenings.

Period health

The survey revealed significant findings concerning menstruation, highlighting both the physical and emotional impact on women's lives:

  • Almost three in five (58%) of respondents stated that their periods disrupt their daily lives. This disruption can affect productivity, social engagements, and overall mental well-being.
  • Painful periods were reported by 62% of women, with cramps being the primary source of discomfort. These cramps can range from mild to severe, often requiring medication or even leading to missed work or school days.
    • For those who suffer from painful periods, an alarming 73% reported moderate or severe pain, indicating a crucial quality of life issue.
  • A significant 58% suffer from heavy periods, which can be both physically exhausting and emotionally draining. Managing heavy periods can also be financially straining due to the cost of menstrual products.
  • 43% of women reported experiencing blood clots during their period. This can be alarming and may indicate underlying health issues that need medical attention.
  • One in three (33%) have periods lasting more than seven days, which can exacerbate the inconvenience and discomfort associated with menstruation. Prolonged periods are not only tiring but can also be a symptom of more serious health conditions.
  • Period health is not a topic of conversation, with 38% of respondents revealing they have never talked to their mother or other female caregiver about their period. This lack of open communication can lead to feelings of isolation and confusion during menstruation.
  • On a positive note, 55% have consulted a doctor about their period. This shows that over half of the respondents are seeking medical advice to manage their menstrual health, though it also highlights that nearly half are not reaching out for professional help.


The topics of perimenopause and menopause revealed that many wāhine lack support and medical intervention:

  • Three in five women had never discussed their menopause journey with their mother or a female caregiver. This gap in communication can leave women unprepared for the physical and emotional changes that accompany menopause.
  • Of those going through perimenopause or menopause, 51% have never sought medical help. This statistic is concerning as it suggests that many women are navigating this significant life stage without professional guidance or treatment options that could alleviate their symptoms

Body image

Probably not surprisingly, a significant portion of respondents shared concerns about body image:

  • 68% of the surveyed women experience anxiety related to body image. This high level of anxiety can impact mental health, self-esteem, and overall quality of life. It underscores the importance of promoting positive body image and providing resources for women to navigate these challenges.

The need for a Women's Health Week

The insights gained from this survey emphasise the urgent need for greater awareness, education, and support for women's health issues. 

Further critical observations included:

  • 40% of respondents are not comfortable talking to their friends about their health. This discomfort can prevent women from seeking peer support and sharing valuable health information.
  • 57% do not receive regular annual health checks, indicating a gap in preventive healthcare. Regular check-ups are crucial for early detection and treatment of potential health issues. Tend reminds patients to time their annual check up around their birthday - a time of the year which is about you.
  • The primary barrier to regular health screenings is time, with 39.5% of women identifying "I am always busy" as the main obstacle. This highlights the need for more flexible healthcare options that accommodate the busy schedules of modern wāhine.

To foster a more open dialogue and reduce the stigma surrounding women's health, initiatives like Women's Health Week play a pivotal role. By understanding the challenges and experiences of women, we can all work towards more effective solutions to support women's health across different stages of life.
