43 minute listen

Endometriosis, hysterectomies and your menstrual cycle: What you need to know with Dr Amelia

Published on
August 4, 2024
Dr Amelia Ryan
Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
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Endometriosis, hysterectomies and your menstrual cycle: What you need to know with Dr Amelia Ryan

From the podcast, The Little Things, Francesca Rudkin and Louise Ayrey are joined by Auckland-based gynaecologist and obstetrics specialist Dr Amelia Ryan.

Most women pre-menopause menstruate every month. However, a recent New Zealand study showed functional menstrual literacy is as low as 50 percent, while 38 percent of those who menstruate don’t know the normal length of a period.

So what do we need to know about our menstrual cycle? And from endometriosis to hysterectomies, what do we need to know to about our uterus? Highly recommend this podcast series! Science-based facts to help us live a productive, happy balanced life.

About The Little Things

In a world where well-being influencers are driven by endorsements, wellness trends generally come at a cost, and busy lives disrupt our best intentions, all many women want are simple, science-based facts to help us live a productive, happy balanced life.

Enter The Little Things. Broadcaster Francesca Rudkin and health researcher Louise Ayrey have been friends for over a decade and have been through it all, and along the way have learned the benefits of practical information over costly fads. Join them for new episodes on Saturdays where they talk to experts on health, wellbeing, parenting and relationships to give you the information you need to thrive!

Highly recommend this podcast series!