3 min read

Suzanne Paul: Life after menopause

Published on
July 31, 2024
Suzanne Paul
TV Personality and Keynote Speaker
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Embracing life after menopause

Let's talk about life after menopause, or as when I was growing up it was cryptically referred to as, "The Change." When I was young, discussions about this natural phase were hushed or swept under the rug. It was almost like a closely guarded secret that women were supposed to fear. But let me tell you, it's certainly not the apocalypse some made it out to be!

Yes, the journey had its hurdles—those hot flushes and night sweats weren’t exactly a walk in the park (but it did save on the electricity bills!). Despite these discomforts, the best thing about it was saying goodbye to periods!

When it came to handling the more challenging symptoms, my options were limited. Fifteen years ago, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was discouraged due to feared links to breast cancer.

Instead, I had to made do with natural remedies like evening primrose oil and black cohosh and all sorts of other strange things. I saw my doctor the other day and she said that she could've put me on HRT after all as they couldn't find the link to breast cancer, so that's an option you can think about.

Going through menopause probably didn't help my marriage at the time (although I didn't think that was salvageable anyways) as it did make me quite irritable. Which in hindsight is probably a good thing, not putting up with other people's nonsense!

The great thing is once you have come through the other side, you do feel fantastic! I'm sleeping good now and I think I look pretty good for 67 and feel fabulous for my age. I even got me a lovely young husband now who thinks I'm pretty awesome.

I think the best thing you can do is keep your sense of humour!

As for my recommendations, the book Don't Sweat It by Nicky Pellegrino is fantastic. It's so funny and it talks to you about menopause with some great advice in there.

Remember there are four words in the English language that will always be true and this applies to many facets to life: This. Too. Shall. Pass.

So yes your hormones might be all up the swanny by now but it’ll settle down again and then everything will be great! And you know life has to keep changing doesn’t it? Things can’t stay the same forever that would be BORING!

So just go with it! Have fun and keep smiling! 😄✨